One of the biggest names in the anime world is “Detective Conan”, a meticulously created series to entertain the audience, where the protagonist uses his excellent deductive skills and on spot critical analysis to solve cases with a pinch of fun and goofiness.
Our main character goes by the name Conan Edogawa- a high schooler trapped into the body of an elementary school student. How you ask? Well, that’s a mystery that you have to solve for yourself.
In this post of our blog series, we will be connecting two fictional characters known for their intellect- Conan Edogawa and Sherlock Holmes possess those deductive skills, essential for a criminologist/investigator. These skills along with others are highly used by a criminologist and it is important for every investigator to inculcate such skills for the advancement in the
case, as required by the profession.
Conan, who is highly inspired by Sherlock Holmes, uses his sharp observation skills to point out even the smallest inconsistencies in crime scenes, which others would have missed. His skills are at such a level that he can understand a person just by observing details like their outfits, nails, posture, how they hold a stick, etc. Reading the body language of witnesses and suspects is also a very important skill for investigators in collecting data and gaining information about a crime scene and its surroundings.
Our two brilliant detectives not only have eagle-like eyes but also strong listening ability. They listen to the testimonies of witnesses and find loopholes in their statements which other people would have missed. Closely scrutinizing the witnesses’ testimony is also another important task handled by the investigator. They may formally interview the witness or ask on-spot questions from witnesses separately in order to cross-check the testimonies. Investigators observe minor details of the witness in order to determine if the statements are fabricated or not.
Further, our detectives use their deduction skill and logic to find the reason behind the conflicting testimonies and link them to the crime. It is unsaid, that a crime is never as simple as it sounds and displayed. It is unsaid that a crime is never as simple as it seems. There are many missing pieces that need to be put together in order to make the whole picture of the crime. An investigator needs to have a holistic approach to the case in order to unravel the truth. A criminologist needs to know every aspect of the crime, criminals, and the victims.
This handmade poster portrays the 10 countries with the most documented serial killers, with the USA at the top with around 3200+ serial killers. However, it is a known fact that the number of cases reported is always less than the number of actual crimes taking place. Let’s take an example: according to annual reports of NCRB, in India 28,000 murders and 31,000 rape cases were reported in the year 2022 and 2021 respectively against a population of 1.4 billion while on the other hand, US's largest anti-sexual violence organization, RAINN recorded more than 4,00,000 cases of rape and murder cases every year, against a population of 300 million. These stats clearly show the discrepancy between the reported cases and actual crimes.
The question here rises how in US there are more reported cases when there population is so small compared to us? Well, to answer that we need to consider the fact that US have a more dynamic and powerful criminal investigation and conviction system. In India, we too have a strong criminal justice system and we make amendments time to time but still there are some loopholes. Just because we have relatively lower reported crimes doesn’t mean that the crimes are not taking place. So, it is safe to say that the graph only shows the half-truth of serial crimes around the world.
As the series continues, our detectives are shown solving cases swiftly, however, the reality is exact opposite. It’s not always easy to find evidences, like how they show in movies or series. And even if the investigators find evidences against the perpetrators, many get away by using their power and money. That’s where we draw a line between our fictional characters and real life detectives/investigators/criminologists. The job of an investigator is not always cool and exciting; it comes with a lot of responsibilities and difficult emotions. It surely can be thrilling but it has its own dangers. One should know what they are stepping into, because fictional characters never die, but it’s not the case in real life.